Chapter 16: The Pacific Northwest

The Pacific Northwest gets its a significant amount of power and water from its dam. The San Francisco Bay Area gets some of its power and water from natural resources likewise. The San Francisco Public Utilities Commision (SFPUC) is the agency in San Francisco which provide with water and electric power services to the City and another 1.6 million people within three of the Bay Area counties. SFPUC provides fresh water from the Hetch Hetchy Reservoir to about 2.4 million people. Almost a third of that water is sent to people within San Francisco while the remaining is sent to Alameda, San Mateo and Santa Clara counties. In the Hetch Hetchy which is on the edge of the Yosemite was built the Shaughnessy Dam in the 1930's. Not only does it help with providing the water, it is also a large source of the electricity. Aside from the water and electricity, SFPUC is responsible for treating the wastewater before it is sent into the San Francisco Bay and Pacific Ocean.

Hetch Hetchy reservoir
Before the construction of the Hetch Hetchy Aqueduct, half of San Francisco's water supply which was about 6 million gallons per day passed through the Sunol temple. It then purchased by the city of San Francisco in 1930 for US$40 million.

California is also known for generating wind power. The state has three primary regions where they have acres of windmills built to generate energy, including the Altamont Pass Wind Farm; a region in the Bay Area. These windmills provide for significant power to San Francisco and other bay area cities.



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